Diving into The Shallows

July 30, 2020 Comments Off on Diving into The Shallows

“Given the subject matter of The Shallows, it seems necessary to state up front that I read the 2011 paperback edition of this book. No dreaded hyperlinks here! Although I did appreciate the footnotes, so hyperlinks may have been handy.

Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains is a book I’ve known about since at least the mid-2010s, but had not read until this year. It is a book cited in speeches, podcasts, policy papers, sermons, and of course other books. Carr’s work in The Shallows seems to have risen to the status of canon in the context of technology critique. Ten years after its publication seemed the right time to read and review it.”

Read the rest at TheUpload, Stand Together’s blog for all things tech.