Academic Article: The Two Faces of Facial Recognition Technology

This article written with Neil Chilson was published in the IEEE Technology and Society Magazine Volume 40, Issue 4 in December 2021. It is an exploration of soft-law and hard-law governance techniques for rapidly evolving and expanding facial recognition technologies. The article was part of a series exploring soft-law governance for emerging technologies. To access…

The Role of Culture in Innovation

The following excerpts come from the article, “The Role of Culture in Innovation,” written by Taylor Barkley and published on November 30, 2021 by American culture is in the throes of a debate over technology and innovation. On the one hand, survey after survey report overwhelmingly positive perspectives on the benefits of technology. On the other hand, bestselling…

Panel About The Social Dilemma

In March 2021 I had the privilege of joining a virtual event hosted by a student group at Redeemer University to discuss The Social Dilemma. Or as they described it: “What is wrong with social media? The Dilemma Discussion brings three of the foremost Christian experts on technology together to offer a much-needed Christian perspective…

The Deep Fake Fake-Out

  • tbark11
  • AI
  • Nov 16, 2020

“All things considered; Election Day in the United States went remarkably well for a year that has been marked by chaos. Despite the many predictions and commentaries on how deep fake technology would alter the course of the election, nothing of the sort occurred.” Read the rest at TheUpload, Stand Together’s blog for all things tech.

The Dilemma with The Social Dilemma

“Social media being the primary driver of societal ruin is not a new idea. Books with titles like Weapons of Math Destruction, 10 Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts, and The Age of Surveillance Capitalism abound. A search of “social media” on YouTube brings up numerous videos that talk about social media’s harms. Podcast episodes and shows, conference topics…

Diving into The Shallows

“Given the subject matter of The Shallows, it seems necessary to state up front that I read the 2011 paperback edition of this book. No dreaded hyperlinks here! Although I did appreciate the footnotes, so hyperlinks may have been handy. Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains is a book I’ve known about since…