Libertarian Christian Institute Podcast Interview

Ep 39: Libertarians and Libertinism with Taylor Barkley Listen to and download the podcast at The popular perception of libertarianism is often skewed. While those on the left tend to think of libertarians as greedy and self-absorbed with no concern for the poor, those on the right — and particularly the Christian right —…

Is Christianity Compatible with Libertarianism?

Read the entire article originally published at The Institute for Religion and Democracy’s Blog.  “Young Evangelicals Elise Daniel and Taylor Barkley discussed their belief that Christianity is politically compatible with libertarianism at a Faith and Law presentation at Capitol Hill on Friday, January 6. Daniel, currently working on Capitol Hill and a co-author with…

Book Review: Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch

Former Christianity Today Editor Andy Crouch’s recently published book, The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place was a pleasant surprise. I liked it better than I thought I would. It’s a short, pleasant combination of research by the Barna Group into evangelical family’s views on technology and Crouch’s perspectives and…

The Singularity and God

At what point are humans, fully assimilated with technology, no longer human? Do self-sustaining artificially intelligent (AI) beings have rights? For many, the singularity is not a question of “if”, but “when”? Therefore, the question of God is more real than ever. Yet, while 80 percent of the American population claims to believe in God,…