Recent Speaking Engagements

May 5, 2018 Comments Off on Recent Speaking Engagements

As part of my role on the AEI Values & Capitalism Ideas Council, I spoke to groups of students at Gordon College, the University of Virginia, and Grove City College on the book I coauthored, Called to Freedom: Why You Can Be Christian and Libertarian.

The Gordon College event–pictures here–was a large event open to all. It featured my coauthor Jacqueline Isaacs, a Gordon College economics professor, and I. The panel was moderated by the director of their business program.

At the University of Virginia, my wife and I both drove down to speak with a smaller group of students about our careers and the book.

Finally, at Grove City I presented an overview of the book to a group of Values & Capitalism chapter students and some faculty and participated in a lively discussion afterward with the group.